Life is Pain

Life is Pain
but they say it can't rain all the time

Saturday, June 30, 2007

The day after

I will have to make a specific post about stuff I like/enjoy/love to counteract my complaining.

DJ Ruddy played horrible music. Music too modern.. sets where all songs weren't similar in the least.. Concert songs (where the vocalist drowns out the music and beat). The whole night he played 2 T 1 M 2 T 1 V - the standard pattern.. then toward the end he threw in a set of 1 M 2 T 1 M! Well I went to tell him that he missed the Vals set and he said that he doesn't follow any format (what the fuck was he doing earlier?) but plays according to what he reads the floor to be doing/wanting. He then played, supposedly intentionally, a Vals set right after the Milonga set.

Ms.Kenya noticed right away that I had changed my cologne and was disappointed :) She seems to really like Burberry: Touch. Two other follows noticed the change too and seemed to like the new Herban Cowboy: Dusk better than Burberry. We danced quite nicely last night and spoke of Tango Crushes.

I forgot my dance-sneakers behind but luckily had a pair of the super thin very uncomfortable ballroom shoes in my truck, which still are better than street shoes. But they allow my ankles to roll excessively to the outside (I supinate) and after few hours the bent pinkie-toe bone was hurting like hell (it's not a case of bunions or hammer toe or anything like that - a bone has shifted and is now in an angle in order to help stabilize me - It's quite sore and my podiatrist says that one day the bone might need to be cut, pulled straight, and screwed back together).
When I get a new pair of sneakers I have the cobler grind an angle in the heel that helps keep my ankles from rolling to the outside.

I barely made it back home last night.. I was nodding off several times and got pretty close to hitting a concrete wall that directs traffic on the I-25 near C/S downtown from one side of the highway to the other, while they pour the driveway and finish the bridge over it - that'da hurt a bit.

I woke up with a very stiff and sore left shoulder/neck. My chiro gave me a long sheet of scoliosis exercises that he wants me to do daily or 2x/day that I haven't had a chance to do any yet. I crashed immediately upon getting home last night and this morne I'm sore and that always detracts my attention from doing anything constructive. I'll do them tonight.

Ms.Spain and I traded a few text messages as I was driving to Denver last night.. she makes me smile.

I was looking at the DJ list for the month of July at the Merc... I'll go next Friday but then skip rest of the month. Looking pretty sad. I should maybe ask to be put on the schedule myself, but I prefer to be asked versus asking to do it - and I have a feeling I will not be asked anytime soon. I feel that the proprietor may have heard me bitching a month or two back and took it personally.. I was, of course, only bitching about the music the DJ was playing or the music that Extasis was playing, which never changes, or both. I also did make a pretty loud comment about El Pulpo just as he was about to begin his performances when he was in-town and at least 6 people heard me, that I know of. Ever since I saw him the first time in Portland in 2002 I've thought him a complete asshole.


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