Life is Pain

Life is Pain
but they say it can't rain all the time

Saturday, June 30, 2007

What do I like?

I like cats
I like kittens
I like Ford pick-up trucks (although lately my faith has been shaken)
I like guns
I like Tango
I like thunderstorms in the distance at sunset
I like the full moon
I like ice cream (mint, liquorice, orange, pistachio, toffee, and so on - never chocolate)
I like liquorice
I like salmiac (Finnish candy that's "hot". Liquorice with salt and ammonium chloride added)
I like Black Sambucca double shots chilled
I like saunas
I like when I hear being complemented but they don't know I can hear or know it's me..
(for example if I built/designed something and they complement it but didn't know I did it)
(at other times being complemented makes me uncomfortable and uneasy - I feel it's fake)
I like clean water
I like Finland
I like culture
I like history
I like mountains
I like accents (must be quite easily understandable, though. Brooklyn accent can go eat shit)
(more specifically: English, Irish, Scottish, Argentine, and some French accents appeal to me)
I like "super-cars" but will never own one (Lamborghini and the like)
I like English Laundry shirts
I like music
I like patent leather shoes
I like Original SWAT cop boots
I like Nokia cellphones (because they're Finnish? 90% the reason)
I like jalapenos but will not munch on them straight-up (in bread, paste, pizza, on nachos, etc)
I like the feeling of being in-love (not at the moment - not even in a relationship)
I like designing/drafting homes when I'm feeling inspired
(It's a breeze then - other times it's pulling teeth)
I like moderate weather - 66'F is the best temperature
(Cold enough for a 3-piece suit and and warm enough for a t-shirt and shorts)
I like clean white snow
I like lush green grass (if ants or other crawlies I won't lay down)
I like Birch trees
I like tongue and groove paneling
I like sophisticated Root Beer
I like Chilean and Australian red wines (not Merlot, though)
I like long hair
I like certain parts of the Goth culture
I like movies
I like good computer games (WoW, Soldner, ArmA)
I like good books
I like air conditioning (since I do not live in previously mentioned 'Moderate Climate')
I like Burberry:Touch
I like Herban Cowboy:Dusk
I like Tuscan, Craftsman, Arts&Crafts style homes
I like Giovanni hair products

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