Life is Pain

Life is Pain
but they say it can't rain all the time

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Dumb thing to say

Alright.. So I flew back home on Tuesday and returned to Ms.Spain on Friday.
Last night we had a nice milonga that we went to, and I said something not-so-wise. Last few months I've been suffering from severe lower back pain; The muscles get all tense and locked up when I dance. Well.. for some reason I told Ms.Spain that my back didn't hurt with somebody else but did with her... which of course wasn't true.. my back hurt equally bad with everyone. So, naturally, I managed to hurt her feelings.

The DJ was an out-of-town variety and she did not do very well. The first set she played, for example, were all the same orchestra, but different eras and different singers. Then later in the evening a vals set mysteriously turned into a tango tanda after only 1 vals.. and the next non-tango set that she played a little later was again a vals tanda. Quite strange.

We just had dinner and I'm feeling woozy: had a glass and a half of red wine, which I haven't had in ages. For breakfast/brunch/lunch we went to a local diner that served all-you-can-drink Mimosas for $7, and I had three, I think. So I've been slightly intoxicated most of the day, lol.

My expensive laptop is working a little strange so I bought a bluetooth mouse and a keyboard today.. pretty nifty.

No tango today. Have to wait until tomorrow night for some. 'Till then...

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