Life is Pain

Life is Pain
but they say it can't rain all the time

Friday, July 13, 2007

Closer to morning

I decided to watch the movie "Closer" again, since I wasn't feeling so tired at midnight.
That movie is such a mind fuck even just to watch.

I had to get up, though, because I didn't feel like I could fall sleep in the basement tonight.
I was hot and uncomfortable; going to sleep in the upstairs bedroom that has an A/C unit in it.
It's not THAT hot... but I didn't for some reason feel like taking my shirt off.

I also had hoped to have had something more insightful to comment about the movie, but all of that seems to have drained out of me on the way upstairs.

My trapezoid and rhomboid muscles seem to have released their deathgrip and the pain has clearly moved inside my shoulder. My theory is, that I did something, or something happened to it during the Denver Tango festival or right after, and long work days on the East Coast worsened things, and my muscles cramped up to protect the injured shoulder. Long dance festivals have always caused some discomfort.. either my pinkie falling asleep or aching in the shoulder by the 3rd day... Always thought it was from forward-head-posture and pressure in and from the neck... it makes a lot of sense, though, if it is my shoulder itself that's gone bad.
I remember not being able to do lat pulldowns behind my neck or succesfully do deltoid pushups because of popping shoulder(s).

I'm seeing a specialist on Monday about some very painful re-alignment massage to retrain the muscles.. but if it indeed is my shoulder, that won't do a bit of good.

Popping joints... been having fun with that bit for as long as I can remember...
fingers, wrists, knees, ankles, groin, shoulders... Just sitting here writing I can feel the tingling and pressure down my arm and I'm quite certain it's not from my neck, since I was adjusted two days ago and I was not bad at all, and don't feel too off right now.
This sucks. No easy solution if it is the shoulder.


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