Life is Pain

Life is Pain
but they say it can't rain all the time

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Settling in

I've paid my bills that stacked up during my trip. Sprint sent already a disconnect notice for my laptop broadband card because due to the trip I had gone past the due date by a week, or so. Greedy bastards.

Went grocery shopping at Sam's and Whole Foods and spent $440 and $220. Given, I did buy a 4-pack of wireless phones and a large surge protector, but that was a lot of money either way.
Bought some organic cologne and shaving products called Herban Cowboy: dusk.
I need to start shaving manually again as my newest electric shaver has started hurting my neck and leaving red marks. Maybe it just needs a new set of blades.... don't know.
I'll see how I handle the change from the subtle Burberry: Touch to this more powerful Herban Cowboy. Or more importantly.. how my followers respond to it. I remember back-when, before I changed to Burberry, whatever I was using then, caused an allergic reaction with one follower. No one has ever complained about Burberry.. few compliments only.

Patch is drooling on my shoulder wanting to drop down to my lap.. but he always lays on top of my arms preventing typing so I have to shoo him off.

My cat-sitter showed up unexpectedly and startled me. I had the side door open with the screen door shut, and I saw an arm open it from where I sit at the office desk. I almost reached for my pistol but figured I'd wait a second - then I saw a glimpse of blond hair and recognized her. She's a Norwegian psychotherapist in her 50's, and hadn't read my initial e-mail carefully enough to have noticed that I had returned already. Although, I suppose, I could have called her to let her know I had returned and how much I appreciated her help. This was the first time she watched over my kitties as Ms.Vegas, whom previously held the position, recently moved to Las Vegas.

Naturally, she, as Ms.Vegas, never saw either of my cats whilst visiting to refill the food and water and to scoop the litter box, but this time Patch was casually laying on a set of blueprints on my coffee table where he can observe me, so she got to see him for a second before he scurried off. 2 seconds after she left he was back in my lap wanting attention.

We took a set of x-rays at the chiropractor's today and are going to review them on Friday.
It seems more and more that my neck pains are purely soft tissue; albeit deep down there. They stimulate the back and the neck in a way that feels like subluxations. I barely need adjustments and they do not even lessen the pain. I've been kneading myself with this J-shaped stick with a knob at the end of it that allows me to assert a lot of pressure on the rhomboid muscle on my back. I've also been plastering my back with Ben-Gay and Tigerbalm liberally and frequently. I also bought two different kinds of natural pain relieving creams from Whole Foods today, but haven't had a proper moment to test them yet.

I have written testing for the Denver Police Department tomorrow morning at 0730. This means I have to get up between 0400-0430. Shouldn't be a problem as I woke up at 0530 this morning because my neck was hurting so bad and had locked both my shoulders up and my hands were numb and tingling.

I had really wanted to get a nice CORDED office phone, but they don't make nice ones with only one line. They're all 2-4+ lines or if they're 1-line they're lame-ass. So I crumbled and bought a new set of wireless phones. My previous 2-set of Panasonic 2.4 Ghz phones were starting to die and had poor voice quality. This new set came with 4 handsets which is nice, as it allows me to have one in the office, one in the kitchen, and one by both beds. Had they been corded I would have had to have done a lot of painful wiring and I wasn't up for that.

Enough for now.

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