Life is Pain

Life is Pain
but they say it can't rain all the time

Friday, July 20, 2007

It's Friday but not an Aloha one

Been up in the mountains last two day.. Heading back up there in a few hours after a chiropractic adjustment and another of those Active Release Technique rub-downs.

My AC unit smells like someone is smoking right outside.. wonder if I'm burning the bearings, lol.

It's been hot here.. mid to high 90's.. even peaked past 100 just south of here.. and I'm trying to keep this wee dark house at 72.. it's usually 85 in here if it's 95 outside..especially right by 3 running computers; they put out some heat.

Pleasure trip. I'm making a pleasure trip purely for tango back to the East Coast next month. Found $99 tickets each way and with tax that's still under $240.00. This is only the second time ever I've made a trip purely for tango that wasn't for a tango festival, per se.

Trying to see if I can also get to DJ during this trip to assure high music level :)

My left arm and hand are constantly tingling. Been doing so ever since that first ART appointment I had on Monday. Quite annoying, it is, I can assure you. But he did pop the shoulder and that did increase the range of motion a little bit. He said that if by 4 or 5 appointments there isn't a noticeable difference then that technique won't work. At that point it better have worked since I will have paid enough to fly twice to dance with Ms.Spain and back (at the current web-only buy early enough in advance tix prices I found).

Denver milonguero festival is also only 5-6 weeks away.. can't be having a sore-ass shoulder again then.

I'll be driving to Wichita Kansas either just before my E.Coast trip or right after. Got a job there. The same builder wanted to do two homes on the same trip but they don't seem to get the homeowner to make any decisions.. or understand I have a 6-8 week lead-time.

Oh well. Got to take off.. Chiro in 40 mins.


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